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Where Children Sleep: A Poignant Photo Series
'Where Children Sleep' is a remarkable series capturing the diversity of and, often, disparity between children's lives around the world through portraits of their bedrooms. Kenyan-born, English-raised, Venice-based documentary photographer James Mollison explores the topic with poignancy. The project began on a brief to engage with children's rights and morphed into a thoughtful meditation on pov... posted on Sep 09 2011, 44,723 reads


A Storyteller of the Streets
Most people have never walked down the street and looked for homeless people before -- most look the other way. But not Mark Horvath. A former Hollywood insider, Horvath has been a drug addict, con artist and, for a brief period, homeless. He says he's left that life behind, and these days, he's drawing on his past to inspire his Web site -- The site is a collection of YouTube-... posted on Sep 08 2011, 5,011 reads


Dogs with Custom Wheelchairs Inspire Rehab Patients
Cruising in their custom wheelchairs, Chili and Arlo are the center of attention wherever they go. But for patients at the Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation in Dallas, these two canine caregivers are also an inspiration. "Many of the patients are new to wheelchairs," Linda Marler, the program's director told "When they see Chili and Arlo, they say, 'If those dogs can do it, so can I.'... posted on Sep 07 2011, 10,244 reads


Gifting Art
A controversial statue led founder Richard Whittaker to an unusual artist, Fredric Fierstein. The art piece itself was inspired from a place far off the beaten track. In Fredric's words: "When I've gotten out of the cities I've met people of the earth, I call them. They're not the kind of people you meet in the cities who are trying to hustle you. My guide, who spoke Thai and a f... posted on Sep 06 2011, 2,319 reads


Mankind is No Island
"Mankind is No Island" is a cleverly crafted visual and musical narrative -- with a production budget of a whopping $57. Jason van Genderen shot this entire movie on a cell phone using emotive images found on street signage in Sydney and New York. Winner of the TropFest NY 2008 award, the world's largest short film festival, it is a three and half minute meditation on hope and hunger, on community... posted on Sep 05 2011, 4,984 reads


Disrupt Yourself
When Whitney Johnson decided to walk away from a stellar career on Wall Street, even close friends thought she might be making a mistake. But in Johnson's own words, "Notwithstanding the considerable career and financial risks involved, it was time to leave my comfortable perch and become an entrepreneur. Time to disrupt myself. We typically define disruption as a low-end product or service that ... posted on Sep 04 2011, 14,921 reads


Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Time
"'Time' is the most used noun in the English language, yet it remains a mystery. We've just completed an amazingly intense and rewarding multidisciplinary conference on the nature of time, and my brain is swimming with ideas and new questions. Rather than trying a summary (the talks will be online soon), here's my stab at a top ten list partly inspired by our discussions: the things everyone shoul... posted on Sep 03 2011, 25,938 reads


An Accidental Activist
"So many of us have good ideas for helping the world. But we tuck our ideas away. I did. I'd tell myself that if the idea were any good someone else would have already done it. That I'm not capable of making a difference. I'd sit on my ideas, get on with my 'life,' and then feel angry at the world because the problems I cared about didn't get solved. I had that fear of going first. Then I took my ... posted on Sep 02 2011, 9,186 reads


The Best Goal is No Goal
"These days, however, I live without goals, for the most part. It's absolutely liberating, and contrary to what you might have been taught, it absolutely doesn't mean you stop achieving things. It means you stop letting yourself be limited by goals. Consider this common belief: 'You'll never get anywhere unless you know where you're going.' This seems so common sensical, and yet it's obviously not... posted on Sep 01 2011, 28,582 reads


The Doctor Who Would Not Give Up
Dr. Richard Olney is racing to finish what is almost certain to be his last research paper. The 63-year-old neurologist is considered one of the country's top clinical specialists for ALS, popularly known as Lou Gehrig's disease. ALS is also the reason Olney is in a hurry to finish his paper: He was diagnosed with it in 2004 and now has almost no muscle function left. But Olney's most enduring con... posted on Aug 31 2011, 4,450 reads


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